Friday, October 18, 2013


A HUGE shout out to all of our amazing 1st grade families for helping our team reach our goal of having 100% family participation during parent teacher conferences! It was so great to talk with each one of you about your scholar's work thus far in 1st grade and to work together to plan how we can continue to help your scholar grow and achieve. THANK YOU!!!!!

This Friday we are going to the pumpkin patch! Make sure your child's permission slip and $6 are turned in by Monday, October 21. On Friday, make sure your child has a comfy pair of walking shoes on and a jacket if the weather looks chilly.

Spirit Week was so much fun! It was exciting to see our scholars excited about reading and eagerly sharing their enthusiasm with those around them.

Pajama Day!
Dress Up Day!
Crazy Hat Day!

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