Friday, August 9, 2013

Welcome to 1st Grade!

I absolutely love the first day of school and all the excitement that fills this special time in 1st grade! I'm so honored to have the privilege to partner with you in your scholar's education this year. Please check our website frequently so you can be up to date with all the happenings in our classroom this year!

This Week We’re Learning About…

Reading: We are starting our first reading unit learning about what excellent readers look like and sound like. We are practicing building our reading stamina by working hard to read our independent reading goal of 25 minutes. We are also spending time learning our routines and procedures during reading so that we can spend our time learning and helping our brains grow! This week we’ll take our beginning of the year reading assessments so that our reading lessons are tailored to our individual needs.

Writing: We are AUTHORS! Our first unit of writing is all about writing narratives about our own personal stories. This week we are learning about the routines and procedures of writing workshop and beginning to flex our writing muscles as we work on our first pieces.

Math: Our first unit is all about numbers and how we can use numbers to solve everyday problems. We will practice using 100s charts, number lines, and ten frames to make numbers and solve number problems.

Word Study: We are learning the routines for our new phonics program this week and reviewing our short vowel sounds from kindergarten.

I am SO excited to start this new school year with your scholars and look forward to all of the learning (and fun!) we will share together this year! You can look for this weekly newsletter every Monday for our week at a glance and any important updates about our classroom.

Homework starts this week and it’s important that you and your scholar are taking time to review the concepts we learned at school. I will go over the homework assignment at school with your scholar before dismissal so the expectation is your scholar completes his/her work as independently as possible. If any challenges arise, please let me know and we can troubleshoot and find a solution together. The completed homework packet is due every FRIDAY. Thank you in advance for your help and support!

Please also check for your child’s behavior report card each night. This will come home in the FALCON folder and will need to be signed and returned to school the next day. This is a great way for you to see your child’s choices at school for the day and follow up with them at home. 

Have a wonderful week!

Ms. Berg :) 

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