Wednesday, December 4, 2013

December Already!

Happy December! It's hard to believe that the holidays are here. This is an incredibly busy, but FUN month in 1st grade! We will spend the next two weeks taking our end of semester tests and seeing how much our brains are GROWING! It's so important your scholar is here everyday!

This week we are learning about...

FAST Phonics: We are learning about complex fronts (blends)- sp, sk, sc, st, gr, tr. We learned that we can segments words with complex fronts when we want to spell them and blend the sounds together when we want to read them.

Writing: We are working on writing informational books that teach our readers. Ask your scholar what they are on expert on and what they are teaching their readers about.

Reading: We are learning all about non-fiction texts and how questioning can help us understand what we read.

Math: We are learning about number bonds and number stories, building up our fluency from number bonds from 1-10.

We travelled on a time machine back to the first Thanksgiving last week :) You can share in our journey through the pictures below. Have a wonderful week!